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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Black and White VS Right and Wrong

As a African American mother of two sons I am very disturbed about how people are taking a tragic incident and turning into a Black and White incident instead of a Wrong and Right incident. I to have lost a child so I can understand how Trayvon Parent's feel about his death. No my daughter was not killed by some unknown stranger but the pain is the same. Trayvon's parents deserve to know the truth and justice regardless of what color and or nationality his killer is. We as a people need to look beyond the color of the killer's skin color and right a wrong that was done to a young man. The wearing of the hoodie has been criticized severely which doesn't make any sense to me. I wear hoodies as well as my husband and we are two adults that just happen to be active duty military. I saw two young Caucasian males crossing the street walking towards my vehicle wearing hoodies; should I have been afraid of them or think that they were suspicious and run them over with my car? Of course not They just happen to be two young men crossing to go shopping at Walmart not even realizing that I saw them. Our youth regardless of color, religion, nationality, or creed is under attack. Our youth are being portrayed as criminals, thugs and suspicious people instead of the bright and intelligent people they are. Don't get me wrong I'm not living in a fantasy world and believe that all people are good, because there are some people who have no home training and really do not know how to act while out in society with those of us who do. People need to understand the first lesson a child learns is at home not school. Meaning children learn their social skills from their parents. Those parents who have no social skills that is what you are teaching your children nothing.

Since the tragedy of Trayvon Martin was made public I have seen so many other such crimes come to light which is a tragedy in itself. For me it doesn't matter who committed the crime what their skin color is where they live in the world wrong is wrong and there is no way a wrong can be made right. At the end of the day God doesn't like ugly; He is not crazy about pretty, but he does not like ugly. Everything that is done in the dark will come light. So to Trayvon's murderer and all the killers who have sworn by their innocence knowing that they are guilty Your day will come maybe not today maybe not even tomorrow but God does not forget and your punishment will greater than punishment that man will give you.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Some of us go through life in such a farce that we don't realize that we are just living and not LIVING. We take our days for granted and forget to stop and smell the roses. You say how can I say that; Well I'm one of those people just going through life and not LIVING. Everyday I got to PT come home go back to work, make sure soldiers are taken care and then I come home cook for my husband and daughter watch a little TV and then finally I go to bed and start the process all over again. Then when the weekend comes around all I want to do is either sit on the couch or sleep. Just letting life pass me by. Every now and then I get out with my family and do something, but believe me it is not that often. However today I have decided that will all change I will now begin to live everyday like it is the last day. I will begin to do things that make me happy. I will now do more than sit on my couch on the weekends; as well as not stress about what did not get done today or what I will have to do tomorrow. So ladies join me and start taking time out for yourself and not feel guilty about it.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Active duty military is hard, but being dual military is even harder. I'm a mom, a wife, and a soldier. We have just pcs'd to FT. Stewart, GA. This move was very hard for me, because it was my first move as a dual military family. PCS'ing was so much easier when I was single. Now there is no I have to make a decision its we have to make a decision and we don't always agree things; So we have learning to agree to disagree or meet in the middle. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Woman's Expectation

Women are expected to love a man with all of her soul. Women are expected to give her all to a man. Women are expected to be loyal no matter what. Women are expected to take care of her through it all. Yes women are expected to do it all. Why do we expect so much of ourselves but we tend to settle for less. I mean we hold ourselves to very high standards and beat ourself up when we don't achieve or exceed those standards. Yet we allow our men to get away with so many things. We allow them to not give us their all and then we put all of our trust in them. We depend on them to complete us instead of letting them compliment us.  Don't get me wrong I love my beautiful black strong men. I just think that we as the beautiful black strong women we are should expect the same high standards from our men.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've decided that 2011 will be the year of nothing but happiness. I will be making my life happy and bringing happiness to people in my life. 2011 will consist of me doing things that make me happy. I will be going through the steps of completing my plans for my future. No one can love you as much as you love yourself.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Living Life Happy

I wake up every morning happy and blessed to see another day. I smile and get out of bed with a daily prayer to thank God for letting me see another beautiful day. My husband and I are both active duty soldiers and have both been to Iraq for multiple deployments. He and I both are very blessed to have come home with not a scratch being that we both were involved in OIFONE. I take it one day at a time. I hear these experts say that deployment is not the reason for some soldiers committing suicide. However these experts have not been on any deployments watching their buddies go down from small arms rounds or being blown up from IED's. I've seen a lot and been through a lot. I'm telling you being shot at and not being able to see your enemy or not knowing who the enemy is not fun. I'm proud that I served my country and made my family proud. Now I have war stories to tell my grandchildren LOL.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I am a person who really hates going to work, but at the same time I like working. However I take advantage of all of my weekends. Saturday's and Sunday's are my best friends. These two days I get to do what I like to do. For I'm starting my own business online and I also plan to get more into selling my Mary Kay products. The year of 2011 will about me getting myself for retirement from the Army. This plan is part of my Living Life Happy.