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Monday, October 17, 2011


Some of us go through life in such a farce that we don't realize that we are just living and not LIVING. We take our days for granted and forget to stop and smell the roses. You say how can I say that; Well I'm one of those people just going through life and not LIVING. Everyday I got to PT come home go back to work, make sure soldiers are taken care and then I come home cook for my husband and daughter watch a little TV and then finally I go to bed and start the process all over again. Then when the weekend comes around all I want to do is either sit on the couch or sleep. Just letting life pass me by. Every now and then I get out with my family and do something, but believe me it is not that often. However today I have decided that will all change I will now begin to live everyday like it is the last day. I will begin to do things that make me happy. I will now do more than sit on my couch on the weekends; as well as not stress about what did not get done today or what I will have to do tomorrow. So ladies join me and start taking time out for yourself and not feel guilty about it.

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