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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Woman's Expectation

Women are expected to love a man with all of her soul. Women are expected to give her all to a man. Women are expected to be loyal no matter what. Women are expected to take care of her through it all. Yes women are expected to do it all. Why do we expect so much of ourselves but we tend to settle for less. I mean we hold ourselves to very high standards and beat ourself up when we don't achieve or exceed those standards. Yet we allow our men to get away with so many things. We allow them to not give us their all and then we put all of our trust in them. We depend on them to complete us instead of letting them compliment us.  Don't get me wrong I love my beautiful black strong men. I just think that we as the beautiful black strong women we are should expect the same high standards from our men.

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