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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Living Life Happy

I wake up every morning happy and blessed to see another day. I smile and get out of bed with a daily prayer to thank God for letting me see another beautiful day. My husband and I are both active duty soldiers and have both been to Iraq for multiple deployments. He and I both are very blessed to have come home with not a scratch being that we both were involved in OIFONE. I take it one day at a time. I hear these experts say that deployment is not the reason for some soldiers committing suicide. However these experts have not been on any deployments watching their buddies go down from small arms rounds or being blown up from IED's. I've seen a lot and been through a lot. I'm telling you being shot at and not being able to see your enemy or not knowing who the enemy is not fun. I'm proud that I served my country and made my family proud. Now I have war stories to tell my grandchildren LOL.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I am a person who really hates going to work, but at the same time I like working. However I take advantage of all of my weekends. Saturday's and Sunday's are my best friends. These two days I get to do what I like to do. For I'm starting my own business online and I also plan to get more into selling my Mary Kay products. The year of 2011 will about me getting myself for retirement from the Army. This plan is part of my Living Life Happy.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I have about a week or two writing my blogs. I have had this headache for a while now and finally decided to go see a doctor about it. It's amazing the diagnosis you get from them sometime; however I was told that I may be having muscle spasms in my face and neck area causing me to have the sever headaches. I was giving a shot before I left the clinic and prescribed a muscle relaxer. The shot actually helped with the stiff neck however my headache did not completely subside, so I'm going to take the muscle relaxer in a few to see what happens. I do feel that the doctor I saw today really listened and cared about my well being. As much as I hate going to the doctor's office my experience today was a good one.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year

You know every year I say I'm going to bring the New Year in with a bang and every year I'm sleep before the New Year even begins. I said again for the coming in of 2011 and once again a sister was sleep no later than 1030. I have finally come to a realization that partying in the New Year is not me, so for the next year I'm going to enjoy living life happy.